My hearing is not as good as before, how can I take care of my ears?

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As we age, it is inevitable that the body’s organs will decline, including hearing loss. I believe everyone has discovered that many people will develop deafness as they enter old age. In severe cases, deafness may even occur, which seriously affects the quality of life of the elderly.

My hearing is not as good as before. How to take care of my ears?

If you feel that your hearing is declining, you should go to a hospital or a professional hearing institution to have your hearing tested. If you really have hearing loss, you should choose a hearing aid in time.

Many people only know that hearing aids can compensate for hearing loss, but they don’t know that wearing hearing aids is actually an effective way to protect remaining hearing. Hearing aids can allow the brain to receive more sounds, effectively and continuously stimulate the auditory nerve, avoid atrophy and apoptosis of nerve cells, and achieve the effect of delaying the rate of hearing loss. Of course, hearing aids must be scientifically fitted to be effective. Hearing aids purchased by yourself may cause secondary damage to the remaining hearing.

To take good care of your ears and prevent hearing loss, pay attention to the following in daily life:
1. Get rid of the habit of picking out your ears. Ear picking can cause damage to the ear canal and tympanic membrane, and sometimes infection, resulting in hearing loss.
2. Prevent water from flowing into the ear when washing your hair or taking a bath. Avoid causing otitis media,
3. Do not often go to some noisy environments, which is not good for the ears,
4. Pay attention to the body to avoid other basic causes of hearing loss,
5. The elderly find that Early intervention for hearing loss,

6. Routine hearing screening should be performed on newborns, and early intervention and treatment should be carried out when hearing impairment is found,

7. Develop good living habits, get rid of bad living habits, ensure adequate sleep, and enhance your own immunity.

8. Maintain optimism, actively regulate bad mentalities, and learn to release bad habitsEmotions, maintain a happy mood,

9. Avoid long-term exposure to noise, try to reduce the number and time of using headphones, stay away from noisy environments, and learn to use anti-noise earplugs,

10 . Reasonable diet, balanced nutrition. Choose a light diet, balanced nutrition, and eat more foods rich in zinc, iron, and calcium, which can effectively expand capillaries and reduce obesity, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes...

11. Use ototoxic drugs with caution. You need to be particularly cautious when using drugs. You should use drugs under the guidance of a doctor. Do not cause unnecessary trouble to yourself by using drugs at will.

In short, for the elderly, although hearing loss is inevitable, if you pay attention to prevention in life, you can protect your hearing to the greatest extent and prevent the occurrence of behind the ears.

Elderly people should avoid doing things in their lives that can damage hearing, such as not picking their ears blindly, staying away from noisy environments, and controlling blood pressure, blood lipids, etc. In addition, they can also supplement with more iron. Nutrients such as , calcium, and vitamins also help protect hearing.